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Selayang Pandang Kapolres




Posted by subbaghumas_resbatola at Monday, August 22, 2016

19 Agustus 2016 . . . Pengecekan Kesiap-siagaan Perusahaan Sawit PT.ASIH-KJP dalam Penanggulangan Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan. . . . Kunjungan ke Kantor PT.ASIH-KJP tepatnya di Desa Sungai Teras, Kapuas - Kalimantan Tengah. Dalam kunjungan tersebut Kapolsek Tabunganen mengecek kesiapan perusahaan baik personil maupun peralatan pemadam kebakaran. Setelah itu dilaksanakan pengecekan ke Menara Pantau yang terletak di perbatasan Kalimantan Selatan dan Kalimantan Tengah .Kegiatan berakhir pukul 12.00 wib. Dalam acara tersebut dihadiri Kepala Lapangan Perkebunan Sawit PT. ASIH-KJP, SUHARTOPO. Alat pemadam berjumlah 5 buah, APAR 6 buah serta perlengkapan pendukung. Sarana angkutan utama adalah perahu kecil yang berjumlah 7 buah. Kegiatan berlangsung aman dan kondusif. . . . . ----------------------------------------------- Checking PT.ASIH - KJP Palm Plantation Personnels and Stuffs about Land and Forest Fire Prevention . , , , A visit to the Office of PT.ASIH - KJP precisely in the Sungai Teras Estate , Kapuas - Central Borneo . During the visit, The Chief of Tabunganen Sub-district Police checks the readiness of companies either personnels or fire-fighting equipments . After that, we are carried out to the Tower Monitor which is located on the border of South Borneo and Central Borneo. At 12.00 am the activities end. The event is attended by the Head of Oil Palm Plantation PT . ASIH - KJP , SUHARTOPO . The equipments are 5 unit water pump extinguishers , regular fire extinguisher 6 units and any other support equipment . The main transportation is a small boat called "kelotok" that amounted to 7 units . The activity takes place is safe and conducive . . . . . . . . . . "CHARACTER IS HOW YOU TREAT THOSE WHO CAN DO NOTHING FOR YOU"

1 komentar:

Unknown said...

bener tuhh harus di cek karena yang banyak kebakaran itukan lahan perkebunan sawittt selama iniii,,,hhmmm baguss baguss :)

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